Friday, March 15, 2019


It turns out that it was a good call to leave after waiting an hour on Thursday night.
Much to my surprise, the Council-at-Large replacement decision turned out to be neither pre-determined nor a slam dunk. And it didn't happen Thursday night.
Council has scheduled another special meeting for Wednesday March 20th. It will resume deliberating and hopefully come up with a firm choice then.

I've been ruminating about what I heard on Thursday night.
Several candidates strongly pitched economic development and growing jobs (familiar themes for anyone paying attention to national politics) as having primary importance for the city.
None of those candidates, however, focused on the counter-balancing importance of preserving the city's high quality residential neighborhoods.
Having a strong tax base is, of course, important.
But one of the city's greatest strengths, in my opinion, is its reputation for offering a high quality residential life.
It's what separates us from some of our neighboring communities... and what keeps (and will continue to keep) our property values high.
I don't think bringing businesses in for the sake of bringing in business should be, in and of itself, any Council member's highest goal.
Think how different the city would look and feel...not in a good way...if Council had pushed through the controversial 16 pump mega-GetGo gas station/convenience store, a large-looking development that, in reality, would have resulted in a handful of minimum wage, part-time jobs, not a huge income tax revenue boost.
And think about all the additional traffic and road wear that the development would have engendered...something I think about every time I'm stuck in traffic at the Bishop/Brainard/Wilson Mills intersection.
And think about how miserable life would have become for surrounding residents.

So while I think fostering economic development is a good goal, the impact on residents and on our high quality residential neighborhoods is a factor that no Council member, however "business friendly," should ignore.

I can only  hope Council members keep that in mind when they meet on Wednesday night.