Saturday, September 27, 2014


Work and family obligations have kept me busy...and away from Council meetings this month.
I also made a quick trip out of town.
Here are two of my favorite snapshots from that trip.


SHRED DAY: Saturday October 4th, 9am-1pm, Service Garage, Highland Road.
A great way to safely and securely dispose of personal papers and any other kind of printed matter.

CLEANUP AND RESTORATION PLANTING: Saturday Oct. 11th, 9am-1pm.
New Bishop Road Woodland Preserve 

Residents are invited to help launch the city's newest greenspace.

Park on Hawthorne Drive and follow signs to the event.
Tools, equipment and refreshments will be provided.

All they need is you!

If you can't make it, but would like to support the restoration/preservation efforts....
All contributions are tax-deductible.
Checks should be made out to:

Friends of Euclid Creek

Financial contributions can be sent to:
Rick Evans, Treasurer
Friends of Euclid Creek

5680 Hawthorne Drive
Highland Heights, Oh. 44143
Thanks for your support!