Quite a few years ago T-Mobile cut a deal with the city that
resulted in a cell phone tower being erected in the Community Park.
That happened before the gas well brouhaha.
The tower is “grandfathered,” i.e. not subject to the new
Charter provision banning commercial exploitation of the city park.
You might be saying: cell phone tower? What cell phone tower?
The tower is a “stealth” tower, disguised to look like a
tall---as in 110 foot tall---flag pole.
It’s enclosed by a small fence, on the opposite side of the
unpaved parking area, across from the pool entrance.
T-Mobile eventually sold the cell tower to a company called Crown Castle,
which owns other cell towers in the area.
Two Crown Castle reps came to the December 1st
Committee of the Whole meeting.
The topic: replacing the current “steath” tower with a
slightly shorter (105 foot) monopole that will allow use by additional cell
The reps told Council they would us a “drop and swap” process---they’d build the
new tower in the existing fenced area, transfer equipment and then remove the
old tower---within a 90 to 180 day time frame.
The main visual difference: the new pole
will have antlers.
Ho Ho Ho!
Instead of being a single pole, the new tower will be branched on top.
And antennas will be visible on outside of tower instead of being concealed within
the pole, as they are now.
The Crown
Castle reps pointed out
three benefits for the city.
- First, replacing the existing tower should reduce the need
for new additional cell towers in the future.
- Second, the city would be able to use the towers, free of
charge, for its own police and fire communications.
- Third, since the current lease contains a revenue sharing
provision, the city should make more money (estimated between $800 to $1,100
more per month) as additional carriers come online.
Mayor Scott Coleman---who has learned the hard way---was justifiably concerned about the reaction of residents living near the
He asked Crown
Castle to assess the
impact of the proposed new tower on adjoining neighborhoods.
The result: where the old tower was visible, the new one
will be too.
The company waited for the leaves to fall and then took pictures from
Kennelwood and Hawthorne Drives, and the corner of Blair and Hanford Drives.
The current tower is barely visible through the trees from the Williamsburg neighborhood.
It’s not visible from Kennelwood or Hawthorne.
It is visible from Woodside
Rd…so the new one will be too.
The next step?
Castle will appear before
the Planning & Zoning Commission on December 14th.
Meanwhile Law Director Tim Paluf will begin work amending the language of the current lease
agreement to allow for the new tower.
I wonder if our elected officials will insist on retaining the flag---which the Crown Castle reps indicated would be jettisoned.
In these fraught times, keeping the flag flying might prove quite meaningful to residents.
The Common Pleas Court judge tasked with deciding the zoning
dispute revolving around the monstrous Rutland Drive deck apparently took one look at the volume of arguments and evidence
He issued a order, without any discussion or explanation, affirming the Board of Zoning Appeals’ decision to uphold the permit that the
city issued…..
for a much smaller deck than the one actually built, as it turns out.
It looks like round three will take place in the 8th
District Court of Appeals.
I’ll keep you posted.
The profusion of area residential holiday lighting displays this year is wonderful to see.
There aren't always this many.
I always figured that the displays reflected the mood of the community.
In the dark years following the 2008 real estate market crash, there weren't many lit houses and yards.
Perhaps this year residents are feeling more optimistic about themselves and the economy.
I hope so.
There has been one exception, one constant, throughout the years though.
The lush, fantasy-filled display erected by my neighbors: Colene and Ivan Rus
Already the traffic is backed up on Hawthorne Drive each night, with cars waiting to spy on Santa.
And I love it.
Where else can you see and hear a 3-D, larger-than-life Santa Claus, busy at work and directing Christmas music....?
It's not to be missed.